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Beetroot Juice: and why it’s amazing for you

Beetroot Juice: and why it’s amazing for you

Beetroot juice is such a powerful juice and has been praised for it’s many health benefits! It also tastes delicious especially paired with apple, lemon, and ginger (in my opinion) but I will list an exact recipe for you to try it out for yourself!  Beetroot is known for its main phytonutrient called betalaine, which is responsible for the bright red color and acts as an anti-inflammatory, detoxifier, and antioxidant.

Beets are very high in potassium which is great for blood pressure reduction and is also high in nitrates.  Nitrates are converted into nitric oxide in the body, which is a powerful vasodilator.  Nitric oxide relaxes your arteries and allows them to expand, allowing for more optimal blood flow.  There is evidence to suggest that drinking beet juice can actively lower blood pressure in those with hypertension.  Drinking beetroot juice has also been shown to increase exercise stamina by enhancing oxygen delivery throughout the body.  In one study, drinking beetroot juice was shown to provide a greater threshold for swimmers during anaerobic activity and reduced the aerobic energy cost.

If you have a juicer, here is a great recipe for you to get started with Beetroot juice:

Beetroot, Apple & Mint Juice

What you need: a juicer

Serves: 1 large jar or 2 small glasses


-3 beetroots and stems
-1 apple
-1/2 lemon
-large handful of fresh mint leaves
-1/2 cucumber
-1 head of romaine lettuce
-1 inch piece of ginger

Method: Place everything through the juicer and drink up!

If you don’t have a juicer, there are so many new Juice Bars opening up like Juice Generation, Juice Press, Liquiteria and many more to choose from where you can find delicious and freshly made juice!!

Get Juicin’

Samantha xx

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