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Spiralized Squash Salad

Spiralized Squash Salad


Spiralized vegetables are an amazing way to get the feel of pasta yet are extremely nourishing and good for you.  I love them hot or cold in many types of dishes.  This Spiraled Squash Salad is a light yet filling lunch that will leave you satisified due to all of the fiber. I also absolutely love hummus so you will see that I add it to a lot of dishes for great tasting plant based protein and healthy fats. It’s so much cheaper and tastes better when I make it myself, but If I am buying it in the store, I look for olive oil as the first oil ingredient instead of sunflower/safflower oil.  I avoid any hummus that contains cottonseed oil, as it is not regulated as a food product by the FDA so it has much lower processing standards.

Spiralized Squash Salad

Serves 2

-2 yellow zucchinis
-2 cups of mixed greens
-4 tbsp. garden salsa
-2 tbsp. hummus
-5 mushrooms
-juice from 1/2 lemon
-2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
-2 sweet potatoes

Poke holes in the sweet potatoes and place in the microwave for 5-7 minutes.  Meanwhile, spiralize the squash with either a mechanical spiralizer or handheld spiralizer. I like to do a big batch in advance to save time when I want a quick lunch.  Mix together the mixed greens, mushrooms, olive oil, and lemon. Divide evenly amongst two plates.  Divide the squash in equal portions and place the  on top of each salad.  Slice each sweet potato in half and serve next to the salad. Add the salsa and a a dollop of hummus on each plate. Enjoy with a friend!


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