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Nutty Pumpkin Banana Smoothie

Nutty Pumpkin Banana Smoothie

Hope everyone had a spooky and fun Halloween! Now what to do with all that pumpkin??! Whether you have actual pumpkins that you don’t know what to do with, or canned pumpkin – here is a delicious breakfast or snack option to use up the goods. Smoothies are also great for satiety (staying fuller, longer) and providing a great mix of macro and micronutrients to naturally energize the body. 



Pumpkins are packed with beta-carotene, which is a pre-cursor to Vitamin A. Once converted in the body, it plays a major role in immunity, eyesight, and promotes healthy skin. It also has antioxidant properties to help protect the body from cell damage that occurs daily. So, who wouldn’t love some extra pumpkin in their life? Pumpkin bread is an amazing option, but I figured I’d share a lighter option thats great for digestion and contains soluble fiber from oats and banana to feed the healthy bacteria in the gut. A healthy gut means a healthy body! Pumpkin also contains fiber to help maintain a healthy digestive system. Another addition to this smoothie to give it a nutty flavor is one of my favorites – walnuts.



Walnuts provide omega 3 fatty acids which are great for reducing inflammation, providing monounsaturated fats, improving blood flow and are great for brain health! Walnuts help maintain good memory function over time along with a diet low in inflammation (high fruits and vegetables) and low in refined carbohydrates and sugar. Studies have shown that just adding a few servings of 1/4 cup of any nuts per week can have a positive nutritional impact on long term health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. The fat and fiber content of nuts also delays the rate at which food leaves the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness.


Nutty Pumpkin Banana Smoothie

Serves 1

– 4 tbsp. pumpkin puree
– 1 banana
– 2 tbsp. whole rolled oats
– 1/4 cup raw walnuts
– 1 tsp. maple syrup (optional)
– 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, or to desired thickness
– 3 ice cubes, or more for a more icy smoothie

Method: Blend and enjoy!



What’s your favorite way to use pumpkin?! If you’ve never had pumpkin in a smoothie before, I guarantee you’ll like it if you give it a try! Are you looking for a more individualized approach to nutrition? Contact me for nutrition counseling and schedule a session today! See what others are saying about Fresh Plates HERE.



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