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Simple whole grain pasta with crispy kale and brussel sprouts

Simple whole grain pasta with crispy kale and brussel sprouts

Happy September! Now is the perfect time to start falling back into healthy habits (pun intended) and setting new goals if you’ve fallen off the bandwagon over the summer. If you’re overwhelmed by the amount of changes you’d like to make, don’t forget to start small and work your way towards a healthier lifestyle one change at a time. I created this simple recipe to get you started. It’s packed with nutrition yet still tastes indulgent and delicious. 


I love having easy weeknight dinners to be able to throw together with simple ingredients like this. If you don’t plan out every meal for the week ahead of time, these ingredients are great to grab in the store and stock up on (along with legumes, other whole grains, oats, etc.) to make something quick instead of ordering takeout. This dish brings out the Italian girl in me and I can’t deny a delicious garlicky tomato sauce.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be all about expensive health foods.  I like to start with the basics and think about nourishment, not depriving my body of certain foods. When you change your attitude, healthy eating becomes easier as you no longer see it as a punishment for not liking your body. Eating well because you love your body and want it to thrive maintains motivation long after negative self talk does.

This dish makes a great quick & healthy weeknight meal, or even for a Sunday dinner:

vertical side kale brussel pasta

Simple whole grain pasta with crispy kale and brussel sprouts

Serves 3
Prep Time: about 30 minutes


1 lb. of quinoa/brown rice/lentil pasta, or any combination of these
1 frozen bag of brussel sprouts
4 cups of fresh kale
1 sprig of fresh oregano, for garnish (optional)
2 tbsp. olive oil

4 tbsp. tomato puree
1 16 oz. can of organic whole peeled tomatoes
1/4 cup each of finely chopped fresh basil and oregano (optional, may add dried herbs)
1/2 tsp. black pepper
3 garlic cloves
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. dried oregano

Method: Begin with the sauce. Saute the garlic in olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. After 2 minutes, add the tomato puree and stir to combine. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer on med-high heat for about 25 minutes. Meanwhile, heat olive oil in a skillet and add the kale, sautéing for about 10-15 minutes until slightly crispy and the edges brown. While the kale cooks down, start boiling the pasta water and cook as directed.  Steam the brussel sprouts in microwave bag or boil in water on a saucepan, draining the liquid when completed. Combine the pasta, tomato sauce, crispy kale and brussel sprouts in a large bowl. Sprinkle with fresh oregano (or dried) and enjoy!

kale brussel pasta close up


What’s your favorite go-to weeknight meal that helps you stay on track, especially on those EXTREMELY busy days?! Having a few recipes in your arsenal really makes a difference as September craziness hits. Writing down your goals is a great way to solidify them in your mind and creating small steps each part of the way. If you’d like a more individualized approach, contact me for nutrition counseling!

xo Samantha



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